This election season just got a little dirty. Krystal Ball (note: that is her real name...her birth name), a Democratic candidate for Congress in Virginia, has become enraged over racy photos of her sucking on a dildo that recently got leaked onto the net. The 28-year-old Ball believes that the photos were leaked by her opponents in the campaign, the Whitman camp. The set of relatively NSFW photos released that display the evening at a "naughty" Christmas party (a what?) with Krystal at the center of attention. Performing fellatio on a fake penis will tend to get you a lot of attention. Last Tuesday, she gave NBC12 her first interview about the raunchy photos. "This is not certainly the way I would hoped to be portrayed," Ball said. Here is Ball talking about the leaked photos:
These photos were taken six years ago and have her dressed as a 'Sexy Santa Helper' in a Santa hat and what at first seem like leotard. Ball claims they were taken just after she had graduated from college. Ball has blamed her opponent, Republican Rep. Rob Whitman, but Whitman stated in The Hill newspaper that he had nothing to do with it and said that he wished that the blogger that original posted the raunchy images to take them down. Calling the photos part of a sexist smear campaign that she claims was perpetrated by her opponent Rob Wittman, Ball recently sat down with Fox News for an interview with report Megyn Kelly. Ball defended the photos by saying that she and her husband were "horsing around" and that she really had no idea that she would ever be involved in politics. She also said that the incident was simply an the act of being a "college moron." 'They wanted to make me feel like a whore," Ball said, about the posting of the photographs. "It was tremendously hurtful."
Krystal has been the focus of a lot of attention lately, after photographs taken of her posing with her former husband at a Christmas party were leaked to the internet. The photos first appeared on a popular political blog last week and have since been removed. And here is the best part (other than the pics) which should cum as no surprise. Former President Bill Clinton has come to the defense of the embattled female congressional candidate. Since pictures of candidate Ball have surfaced that show her in compromising positions many have abandoned her in her attempt to win office. But not President Clinton... Bill Clinton endorses Krystal Ball for the 1st Congressional District of Virginia:
“I stand firmly behind Miss Ball” said Clinton. “It is time we erect the hard principles of the Democratic party in this district and Miss Ball is the one who raises my admiration.”
LOL... that was just a joke, he didn't really say that but it does sound like something he would say after seeing these pics with the little dildo in her mouth. But I am certain Bill Clinton is trying to get in touch with Krystal because she put Miss. Monica Lewinsky to shame. And to me, Krystal Ball is even better looking today than she was 6-years-ago when the now scandalous photos were taken. Anyway, with a name like Krystal Ball she should have saw this coming." To some extent this is true. Anyone who runs for office has a risk of having embarrassing things come out. Her parents have an awful sense of humor...really awful! By the way, this is the first time I am have ever heard about a "naughty" Christmas party. I thought these leaked pics were from a Halloween party or 'naughty' Halloween part but in one of her interviews she clearly called it a Christmas party and all reports call it a Christmas party.
By the way, metadata tags on the photos indicate they were taken on January 14, 2002. Interestingly, Krystal Ball and her husband arrive at 9:07 PM and things got increasingly more raunchy as the night went on with the last photo we have of the evening shot at 10:17 PM. I am guessing that is when the sex started. I mean, what kind of Christmas party take place on January 14 so late at night with sexy outfits and dildo sex toys with only four people in attendance? Or should I ask, what kinda "naughty" Christmas party? The kind with wife swapping! Or should we call it swinging? There are a whole lot more swinger photos and perhaps a sex tape where these came from. Yeah right, a Christmas costume party in January and only the two guest are wearing costumes. A party with only 2 females and two males and no one else in sight! These pics were leaked to scare her a little but I am guessing the person (most likely the other man at the party that is unseen and mostly the boyfriend of the woman seen in the white top) behind the leaked doesn't have the balls to release the hardcore stuff. Click on pictures to enlarge.

That tarty chick above has blossom into this beautiful woman below. You know, I wouldn't give the time of the day 6-years-ago but just look at her now:

Here she is with her current hubby:

Here are some funny Krystal Ball signs, posters, logos and billboards. That name is a great joke to play on a human being... And no, her name is not Crystal Ball cause that would just be going too far:

Here is the story on Red Eye, watch:
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