Our favorite enlightened sexpot, Anne Brown, is back to talk about G-spot orgasms! She has already gone in-depth about the clitoral orgasm, so the next obvious choice is to feature the G-spot orgasm. Don't know what or where the hell it is? Well, Anne is here to lead us on an orgasm journey and hopefully after reading this, you will be on your way to discovering your own G-spot!
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Guys! Remember that time I was really super funny and said “Tour de Foreskin” and then we went on one? Let’s do it again with the G-spot because I have the best analogy ever.
Ok, so remember in Winnie-the-Pooh when Christopher Robin leads an "expotition" to the North Pole? If you don’t that’s ok because there’s a two-sentence summary on Winniepedia (oh my god there’s a Winniepedia). What the summary and I are both going to tell you is that Christopher Robin led an expedition to the North Pole full of adventure. Roo falls into the river but Pooh gets him out with a really long stick thing and Christoper Robin cheers “Pooh, you did it! You found the North Pole!” and everyone goes home triumphant. YES, in fact, the Expotition to the North Pole is exactly what it’s like to find the G-spot!
Personally, I was confused about the supposed so-called “elusive” G-spot for the longest while, as I’m sure were most of you. Frankly, I was terrified of the G-spot the first time I heard of it. The G-spot was my Heffalump. It seemed far too powerful, scary and of nebulous shape-too much so to be actually part of this world without making me feel uncomfortable. Then I started having sex and kind of forgot about it, which was probably the best thing to do if you want to actually “find” it, which is what we are going to do now.
An expedition to the G-Spot is like the Expotition to the North Pole: we ultimately need to choose to declare we have found the G-spot, which will be what we expect the G-spot to be, whether or not it’s actually the actual-actual G-spot. Let’s look at some maps.
G-spot location
Typically, sex advice media says one can access it by putting pressure on the inside upper part of the vaginal opening. Go in a few inches more, with a finger or two fingers or some other implement. The skin on the inside of the vaginal wall at that place feels like the outside of a walnut– everything else around it is smooth. Deborah Sundahl and Cosmo both say that every vagina-owning person has a G-spot and can have G-spot orgasms, but let’s talk about this for a second.
How to reach G-spot orgasm
G-spot orgasms, we’re often told, are the choicest of orgasms. They’re supposed to feel more spacious than clitoral orgasms– more spread out in the body and more "release-y", more eyes-fireworks and screaming. This type of orgasm sounds and is fantastic, but imagine if (or maybe you are!) someone who has tried to stimulate a G-spot time after time and none of this has happened: it can make you feel like something is wrong with you, and/or it can turn any type of sex/masturbation into a goal-oriented activity that will make it even harder to relax and find anything very pleasurable.
I really like Sex Nerd Sandra’s information and advice, and I like her the very most in this G-spot video that is 1.5 minutes long so you should have no trouble watching.
- The body needs to be very aroused before the G-spot will be able to do its thing (if it does),
- There are tons of areas in and around the vagina that can feel awesome and this is just one of them, and
- Some people might not even like the same sensation that they’re being told is supposed to be so pleasurable.
- Overall, her advice is to “just poke around and play around in there," which are orders that we on our expedition will have no trouble taking!
When science says that the G-spot might or might not exist, though, I get a little ruffled. I understand that studies that come up inconclusive could serve to relax those vagina-owners who are worried about not being able to find their G-spot/experience those magical G-spot orgasms, but what they seem to do in reality is stir up the “I have awesome orgasms from my G-spot” base and create an unnecessarily polemic atmosphere in orgasm land. Readers, media summarizers and spin-doctors of all types can use these studies as ways to legitimize and delegitimize certain types of pleasure, which can do a lot of harm.
I know I didn’t mention squirting (which is associated with G-spot orgasms), because I am saving it for another post. However, we do have a quick run-down of squirting here. Anyway, I hope you guys are all closer to finding the North Pole: this is the part of the expedition in which I leave you all to your vaginas-of-choice and you “poke and play around in there” and see if anything magic happens.
- “The G-Spot: Science Can’t Find It After 60 Years, Study Says” (with this great line: ”The G-spot is more of a thing like New York City is a thing,”– which I interpret differently than I think the scientist meant it)
- Deborah Sundahl
- The Sex Nerd Sandra G-spot video!!
- Lady Cheeky

Originally from Seattle, she studied Spanish and Latin American literature/film/art at Dartmouth College while also obtaining a teaching certificate in Kindergarten- 8th grade.
In addition to her interest in any and all things sex-related, Anne is a huge NPR nerd, book nerd, and an enthusiastic spin class participant. You can follow her on twitter @shinysex and also check out her blog, the Enlightened Sexpot.
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