Several days ago, we saw a note on Facebook asking how many times a day partners usually touch. Personally, I touch my partner about 20 times probably. I love touching them! But does it matter? Why does touching matter in long-term relationships or marriage?
Tommy Allen is back with his views on the power of the physical touch in a relationship. And he's not just talking about sexual touch. Just physical touch! He has been happily married for over 30 years. With that much experience in the realm of marriage, he offers some great insight from the male perspective. In one of his latest articles, Tommy wrote about how to drive your man wild using your five senses. Here he takes one of those senses, touch and writes about its importance in a committed relationship. We already know about the importance of touching ourselves, so lets get into why we need to touch our lovers more!
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#1 Touch and get closer--literally
You'd be surprised at how many couples, some married many years, who hardly ever touch. Sure he'll grab her hand and lead her down a sidewalk or through a crowd, but not in a very romantic way.
I can always tell the general feelings of affection when I'm around other couples by how "hands-on" they are. Those that are together because it's too much trouble not to be, are obvious. They never sit too close. Rarely touching. They never look at each other and they never include their mate in their personal space.
You see, when you are so madly and foolishly into someone, you just can't keep your hands (and feet, but that's another story) off them. You want them sharing every inch of your space with you. I constantly want to feel the warmth of her body and if I take her hand, or she takes mine, it's not to lead the way but to feel the spark between our palms travel from the top of my head to the tip of my toes.
A simple hug can speak volumes in a few seconds about your love and lust. When I put my arms around her, my fingers travel the length of her spine to reach the small of her back.
It creates shock waves between our spirits, even if only for a moment. I appreciate every sensation as her body presses against mine. Then as we back away, the consciousness of the shared sensations are stored as sensual energy for later.
#3 Get absorbed in each other!
Public displays of affection? There can never be too much affection, public or private. Yeah, there comes a time to "get a room," but I certainly don't mind seeing a couple so absorbed in each other that no one else matters. It's beautiful! GetLusty for Couples is all about finding these happy spaces for a couple.
Unless you're crossing their boundaries, don't listen to those nay-sayers. Those complainers are usually loveless, jealous, anti-romantic begrudging beings only wishing it were them being doted on, anyway.
Live, love and touch. Touch a lot. Be familiar with every inch. Know it well. Be able to feel her touch even in your dreams. Then make your dreams a reality.
Cross posted with permission from Sex Money And Life.

When Tommy Allen first got in touch with us, we were so excited to feature his articles. Tommy has been happily married for 34 years and together he and his wife has 3 grown sons. He is a student of life and love. He loves to learn by watching, listening and observing others.
He use his blog to share his observations on life, love and relationships. Love is Tommy's favorite subject. He and his wife have lived, loved, loved and loved some more in Daytona Beach for more than 18 years. Check out his blog at
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